Rosh Hashanah

Sweet Gifts for a Sweet New Year


In our first year we built upon the success of our Chanukah and Shavuot projects, and distributed 120 Shana Tova gifts for Rosh Hashanah.

We filled this adorable clear acrylic apple dish with an assortment of sweets, to bring a smile to the faces of our most vulnerable community members.

Sponsors donated $18 for each Shana Tova gift and volunteers distributed them to members of our community.  We have since expanded our offerings and hope to continue to grow with the help of generous people like you.

Rosh Hashanah Gift for 2024
cqjcc rosh hashanah package
Rosh Hashanah 2022

The gift below was distributed to our lonely and forgotten neighbors in 2022.  We were able to distribute over 100 gifts for Rosh Hashanah in 2023.

rosh hashanah package